Spotting Abnormalities, Saving Lives

The opening page of the Sports Artificial Intelligence Lab (SAIL) website announces ‘Artificial Intelligence – The Future of Everything’. ‘Everything’ is a big term but may be viewed as being synonymous with the breadth of the Lab’s scope, given that an AI system that...

The ‘Digitalised Self’

In 2016, Clinical Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry, Dr Chan Kai-tai, took a short break from his previous work as a psychiatrist at Castle Peak Hospital to study history and culture as an Academic Visitor at the University of Cambridge. He was used...

AI and the Language Barrier

AI has become an embedded backdrop to our daily lives. When you go to the bank seeking a loan, the decision will almost inevitably be made by AI. If you have a malignant tumour, your treatment will be informed by AI. Some court decisions in places like China and the...

The Appeal of Machine Justice

The Chinese judicial system has put millions of case judgements online and installed machines in courthouses that tell would-be litigants their chances of success. In one sense, this puts legal matters in the hands of ordinary citizens. But at the same time,...

Using AI to Predict Trafficking Sentences

Under the auspices of the Law and Technology Centre, the research team led by Professor Ben Kao of the Department of Computer Science and Professor Anne Cheung of the Faculty of Law have developed a Stage-1 model of HKU AI Lawyer, which can predict sentencing...