A Super Way to Build

When new buildings are under construction, there are often ongoing revisions to plans. Maybe a different material is needed than originally envisioned, or measurements or workflows need adjusting. This leads to multiple versions of plans being shared via email or...

Island Immersion

The two-week trip to the island of Nisyros, just off the coast of Anatolia, took place last summer with 14 Bachelor’s and Master’s students, and was led by Professor Emma Letizia Jones, who teaches design and the history and theory of architecture at...

From Landscape to Laptop

The Digital Arboretum (DA) is the brainchild of Mr Gavin Coates, Senior Lecturer at HKU’s Division of Landscape Architecture. “Teaching planting design, landscape technology and landscape representation are my specialities and, for all of these, taking groups of...

Vision for a Village

Kuk Po village and the surrounding valley lie next to the sea facing China’s industrial conglomerate Shenzhen. It has been largely empty for decades as villagers left rural life for the city. More recently though, their descendants are showing renewed interest in Kuk...

All Systems Go

Transport systems often don’t talk to each other – ferry schedules don’t necessarily link up with train times, buses don’t stop in the exact location you want, ticket deals may be lacking – but now, using a unique combination of data from the government and private...