Taking the Strain

The discovery is the result of a collaboration between HKUMed and the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT), and originated from introducing the concept of ‘antigenic distance’ and ‘antigen field’ to select the optimal booster vaccine seed strain.“The...

Measure of the Mutations

The innovative platform was developed by a cross-disciplinary team comprising researchers from the Faculties of Medicine and Engineering, and uses novel screening methods and advanced genetic techniques to identify the specific genetic and cellular factors responsible...

Be Prepared

Dr Mingzhu Tai and Professor Chen Lin, Stelux Professor in Finance, from the HKU Business School, were particularly interested in the mechanisms that were driving the increase in deposits during the pandemic and, for their study entitled ‘How Did Depositors Respond to...

Living Long, Despite the Odds

Since 2013, life expectancy at birth in Hong Kong has been the highest in the world – 88.1 years for women and 82.7 years for men (as of 2020). And this has posed a conundrum for public health scientists and practitioners. Hong Kong has one of the highest income...

From Landscape to Laptop

The Digital Arboretum (DA) is the brainchild of Mr Gavin Coates, Senior Lecturer at HKU’s Division of Landscape Architecture. “Teaching planting design, landscape technology and landscape representation are my specialities and, for all of these, taking groups of...