A Challenge for Creatives

Dr Rujing Stacy Huang, Presidential Postdoctoral Fellow in Music, is one of the few humanities scholars in the world working at the intersections of music and AI. In 2021, she was recruited to join ‘MUSAiC’, a five-year, EU-funded research project based in Sweden, to...

Art across the Disciplines

Art’s value is usually couched in terms of its aesthetics, but it can also be a window to understanding history, science and technology, the evolution of language and all sorts of disciplines. The problem for Hong Kong students and residents is that there have been...

Cutting-Edge Choral

Termed a ‘tech cantata’, the piece features a live choir which vies for the audience’s attention with a virtual choir singing on a massive hologram screen behind them — the two groups both competing with each other’s performances and enhancing them. Said Professor of...

Music, Maestro, Please!

MUSE, for My University Spotlight Encounters, was created as a collaboration between the Cultural Management Office (CMO) and the Music Department to offer framed artistic experiences with intellectual engagement, and to fulfil the bigger creative objective of taking...

Consuming Interests

Mukbang is a Korean word, short for muknunbangsong, and means roughly, ‘a broadcast where people eat’. Mukbang broadcasts typically feature a solo eater who consumes a large meal consisting of several dishes and speaks through a camera while viewers watch online and...