Team Players

In the healthcare professions, there is a strong tradition of passing on the baton. Students and interns learn a great deal from the knowledge and experiences of working doctors, nurses and other professionals. The expectation is that they will become such mentors...

Island Immersion

The two-week trip to the island of Nisyros, just off the coast of Anatolia, took place last summer with 14 Bachelor’s and Master’s students, and was led by Professor Emma Letizia Jones, who teaches design and the history and theory of architecture at...

Drama Queens

During the COVID-19 pandemic, programmes requiring students to interact with patients were seriously hampered. Zoom consultations helped a little, but they could not effectively replicate being in a clinic with a patient who could be unpredictable or uncommunicative....

Pedal to the Metal

Professor Cecilia KY Chan thrives on being busy. Before the age of 30, while she was assistant professor at an Irish university, she added a Masters in Education to her PhD in Electronic Engineering and at the same time introduced initiatives that vastly increased...

A Head Start on Research

When Cai Xuheng was an undergraduate student in computer science at HKU, he was keen to jump into research – not just as a research assistant, but to lead his own project and develop his own ideas. He got his wish in 2022 when he was accepted to HKU’s Undergraduate...