by admin | May 3, 2020
HKU’s LKS Faculty of Medicine (HKUMed) has been at the forefront of research into emerging infectious diseases for decades, producing groundbreaking work on H5N1 and H9N1 bird flus, H1N1 swine flu, SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and MERS (Middle East...
by | May 3, 2020
Exercise is generally recognised as highly beneficial for your health, but it works better on some people than others. New research suggests that people possessing certain gut microbes may in fact gain better metabolic outcomes from exercise than others. “The...
by | May 2, 2020
About 10 per cent of Hong Kong people aged over 65 show signs of depression, the result of stress, poor health and lack of social engagement. Similar factors can also darken the mood of the family members who look after elderly relatives suffering from dementia. The...
by | May 2, 2020
Dr Gloria Wong Hoi-yan has worked for years to develop interventions and care management for sufferers of dementia. And while she has had some successes (see box), one stumbling block has loomed in her path. Unlike Taiwan, Macau and other developed societies, Hong...
by | May 1, 2020
Many elderly people in Hong Kong and rural China have lived in their homes most of their lives. They know the neighbours, shops, sitting areas and transport links. But instead of enjoying the familiarity and security of their surroundings, some are being uprooted in...