Oral Surgeons Bring AI Tool to Nigeria

In 2022, researchers in the Faculty of Dentistry led an international team to develop an AI web tool that could predict patients’ risk of developing oral cancer. The tool, based on the AI algorithm DeepSurv, had a 95 per cent accuracy rate on a cohort of more than 700...

The ‘Digitalised Self’

In 2016, Clinical Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry, Dr Chan Kai-tai, took a short break from his previous work as a psychiatrist at Castle Peak Hospital to study history and culture as an Academic Visitor at the University of Cambridge. He was used...

The Sad Place

Two decades ago, Professor Tatia Mei-chun Lee, Chair Professor of Psychological Science and Clinical Psychology and May Professor in Neuropsychology, was puzzled by a patient’s symptoms. The man had suffered from acute liver failure and undergone an emergency liver...

Fractured Vision

The project, which is the largest collaborative study of hip fracture ever undertaken and involved 400 million patients, was planned in 2019 and officially started in 2020. The global team of Amgen, a pharmaceutical company which makes anti-osteoporosis medications,...

Living Long, Despite the Odds

Since 2013, life expectancy at birth in Hong Kong has been the highest in the world – 88.1 years for women and 82.7 years for men (as of 2020). And this has posed a conundrum for public health scientists and practitioners. Hong Kong has one of the highest income...