Testing Innovation

How does one determine if an invention is truly innovative, worthy of a patent? Or, say, a song is truly original, worthy of copyright protection? The answer is not very straightforward, says Dr Ryan Whalen of the Faculty of Law, who is using large language learning...

Labelled with Diamonds

Counterfeiters grow smarter and use ever more sophisticated technologies each year, producing a huge variety of fake goods – from medicines through electronics to fashion – and causing health risks and the loss of billions of dollars worldwide. To fight back, the...

Above and Beyond

The vehicle’s full name is Powered-flying Ultra-underactuated LiDAR (light detection and ranging) Sensing Aerial Robot (PULSAR), and the development team describe it as an agile and self-rotating UAV whose three-dimensional position is fully controlled by actuating...

Teamwork at the Nanoscale

Nanoparticles are programmed microscopic particles that can respond to external stimuli such as light to perform functions, such as moving towards a chemical target or light source. The hope is that they can be harnessed for energy saving, drug delivery and other...

HKU’s New TEChno Honcho

How do you help ambitions become a reality? That’s the task for Mr Paul Wang Peng, head of the Techno-Entrepreneurship Core (TEC), which was conceived in late 2022 and officially launched in June.Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area are being positioned to become a...