Reining in Tech Platforms

In 2022, US courts ordered American talk show host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones to pay more than US$1 billion in damages to the parents of several of the 20 children murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School by a gunman in 2012. Jones had been claiming online...

Speaking to Power

Before social media took hold in the late 2000s, traditional newspapers were a key player in the media landscape, but they mainly reported on the movements and activities of government leaders or, if they were commercialised, on entertainment-oriented news....

Weathering Extremes

Very hot weather is on the increase worldwide, challenging existing mechanisms for dealing with these events, as numerous recent disasters have revealed. Hong Kong is no exception. The city experienced its hottest summer on record this year and high temperatures posed...

China’s Pollution Successes

Until 10 years ago, China’s approach to environmental pollution was to place it a distant second in the rush to accelerate economic development. But growing evidence of the health impact motivated a change of tune. A ‘war on pollution’ was launched in 2013. As...

Snuffing out Alternative Tobacco Products

E-cigarettes and other ATPs have presented a challenge when it comes to controlling tobacco use. On the one hand, in the United Kingdom, the National Health Service touts them as a stepping stone to quitting traditional cigarettes. On the other hand, the World Health...