Sink or Swim?

A course on aquaculture was the inspiration for HKU students to design a new kind of raft for cultivating oysters and then launch a start-up company, Soonlution, to develop and market it. Called the Modern Shellfish Home (MSH), it is specifically designed to withstand...

The Sustainable Practice of Backpacking

Tourists can be a negative for environmental sustainability because they often travel by plane and indulge in extras that they may do more sparingly at home, such as taking long, hot showers every day. But one group of tourists may provide a model for sustainable...

Green Bonds Are on the Money

When banks and other institutions lend money, their chief aim has long been to get paid back in full, with interest. But over the past decade or so, a new kind of financing has emerged – the green bond – to support companies that are trying to have a positive impact...

Capital Grains

Professor Mee-Len Chye, Wilson and Amelia Wong Professor in Plant Biotechnology from the School of Biological Sciences, who led the research team, said: “Increasing grain size and yield, besides rice bran and seed lipid content, in crops such as rice is an important...

Termites’ Role in Sorting out Droughts

The findings are the result of collaborative research, co-headed by Dr Louise Ashton of HKU’s School of Biological Sciences, and research teams led by Dr Kate Parr from the University of Liverpool and Dr Paul Eggleton from the Natural History Museum in London. The...