Leapin’ Lizards

A 40-year study, begun on the Izu Islands in the early 1980s, has shed light on how lizards preyed upon by snakes are active at higher body temperatures than lizards living on islands with no snakes. The study also found significant climatic warming through the 40...

Twitter Alert

Developed by the School of Biological Sciences (SBS) and Hong Kong Bird Watching Society (HKBWS), HKBirds is an iOS app designed to help users observe, identify and record birds, and to share their findings too. Principal Lecturer Dr Billy Hau coordinated the project...

Natural Life Lessons

While space at the Hong Kong Biodiversity Museum (HKBM) is limited, the collections are not, with nearly 10,000 specimens – animals, insects, marine life plants and fungi – on display to the public and around 20,000 specimens being readied for future inclusion....

Humans in the Wild

Unusually for an ecologist, Dr Hannah Mumby’s first interest was anthropology. She switched track to study the ecology of big mammals beyond primates – especially elephants – to see if it could lead to new questions about our own species. But the more she studied the...

Animal Attractions

News stories about the atrocities inflicted on whales by the Japanese whaling industry inspired final-year Biological Sciences student Andy Vu Ka-hei to dig deeper into the problem. But the more he learned, the more he realised that whaling is not quite as clearcut an...