Let It Go

Rumination, in which one’s thoughts are stuck in a loop on one subject, can at times be useful in helping us concentrate and solve problems. But living too much in one’s mind is by no means healthy. Scientists have known for decades that ‘inward-focussed’ rumination...

Pros and Cons of Work Stress

If you think anxiety is a bad thing, consider deadlines. They often induce anxiety yet they also motivate people to complete tasks. To Dr Bonnie Hayden Cheng of the Faculty of Business and Economics, they are an example of the positive potential of anxiety.Dr Cheng...

Less Pain, More Gain

One of the biggest problems with tooth replacement – particularly for the patient – is the amount of time it takes and the discomfort involved. Multiple fitting procedures can be tedious and uncomfortable. From the dentist’s viewpoint, existing design processes can...

China’s Pollution Successes

Until 10 years ago, China’s approach to environmental pollution was to place it a distant second in the rush to accelerate economic development. But growing evidence of the health impact motivated a change of tune. A ‘war on pollution’ was launched in 2013. As...

HKU Scientists Discover Deafness Master Genes

Our senses of hearing and balance are determined by the inner ear, which has six organs made up of sensory hair cells and the endolymphatic system whose fluid carries sound, gravity and linear acceleration signals to the brain. Defects in any of these can affect our...