The Suicide Watch

Last autumn, when classes resumed following the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a feeling of relief that life could go back to normal for children and youths. Yet almost the opposite happened. From August to October 2023, there were 16 reported cases of suicide attempts...

A Guide to Tourism in Hong Kong

Hong Kong as a travel destination has been many things to many people over the decades. For Western visitors in the 1930s, it was a beach and recreation stop on a round-the-world voyage by sea. After the Second World War, its ‘oriental-ness’ and Chinese culture...

Drama Queens

During the COVID-19 pandemic, programmes requiring students to interact with patients were seriously hampered. Zoom consultations helped a little, but they could not effectively replicate being in a clinic with a patient who could be unpredictable or uncommunicative....

Weathering Extremes

Very hot weather is on the increase worldwide, challenging existing mechanisms for dealing with these events, as numerous recent disasters have revealed. Hong Kong is no exception. The city experienced its hottest summer on record this year and high temperatures posed...

Generations Connect

Few people in Hong Kong have the breadth of understanding about COVID-19 and how to deal with it as Professor Sophia Chan Siu-chee. She was Secretary for Food and Health from 2017 to 2022 and was charged with planning Hong Kong’s response to the pandemic. When she...