Connecting through Campusland

“The Data Science Lab (DSL) developed HKU Campusland and used mixed reality to bring the virtual world to the real world and vice versa,” said Dr Adela Lau, Deputy Director of DSL in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science (SAAS). “Users create an avatar...

Oral Surgeons Bring AI Tool to Nigeria

In 2022, researchers in the Faculty of Dentistry led an international team to develop an AI web tool that could predict patients’ risk of developing oral cancer. The tool, based on the AI algorithm DeepSurv, had a 95 per cent accuracy rate on a cohort of more than 700...

Spotting Abnormalities, Saving Lives

The opening page of the Sports Artificial Intelligence Lab (SAIL) website announces ‘Artificial Intelligence – The Future of Everything’. ‘Everything’ is a big term but may be viewed as being synonymous with the breadth of the Lab’s scope, given that an AI system that...

Art for Our Sake

In 2012, American artist Heather Dewey-Hagborg unveiled a new project, Stranger Visions, consisting of portraits derived from people’s DNA that she had extracted from detritus collected from the street – cigarette butts, lollipop sticks, strands of hair and the like....

Reading Our Bodies

Wearable devices like the Apple Watch can track your blood rate and blood oxygen levels and detect whether you fall. But to researchers of wearable devices, this is old hat. “Those kinds of devices were developed more than 10 years ago. Some researchers are still...