Life outside the Law in China

The Chinese central government has introduced many policies over the years to spur economic growth and curtail excesses such as corruption. But there have been unintended consequences. For instance, policies to develop coastal cities have attracted millions of...

Speaking to Power

Before social media took hold in the late 2000s, traditional newspapers were a key player in the media landscape, but they mainly reported on the movements and activities of government leaders or, if they were commercialised, on entertainment-oriented news....

China’s Pollution Successes

Until 10 years ago, China’s approach to environmental pollution was to place it a distant second in the rush to accelerate economic development. But growing evidence of the health impact motivated a change of tune. A ‘war on pollution’ was launched in 2013. As...

Modern Families in Turbulent China

The breakdown of order in the early 20th century in China placed many people in an uncertain position. The scholarly class lost relevance as the civil service examinations for mandarins were abolished. Foreign imperialism weakened the state, but also opened up...

Our New Head of HKU-Shenzhen Hospital

Professor Kenneth Cheung Man-chee, Chair Professor of Orthopaedics and Traumatology and Jessie Ho Professor in Spine Surgery, and now Chief Executive of the HKUSZ Hospital, has made a career of traversing East and West and seizing opportunities with the energy and...